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About Book

About book


A book by Dr. Mohsil Ali

The New Internationalist arrives on the scene at an important moment in the short history of the world-wide development effort. Important negotiations on the future of the monetary system are under way; trade talks are likely to start soon. Both will have an important bearing on the future of the economic world order. Within the United Nations, the International Development Strategy, a remarkably statesmanlike initiative supported by all the member countries of the U.N., is scheduled for the first periodic Review and Appraisal, a kind of co-operative stock-taking of global development. The existence of publications such as yours can be enormously helpful in assuring that these important developments are followed closely by an informed and concerned public.

It is therefore with pleasure that I wish you and your publication, as xvell as its sponsors, Oxfam and Christian Aid, which have already done so much to relieve hunger and suffering, every success in this new and valuable venture.
Kurt Waldheim.

The New Internationalist is published monthly by P.A.C. from 74A High Street, Wallingford, Berkshire, England. It has the joint backing of Oxfam, Christian Aid, and Third World First and its aim is to inform and involve as many people as possible in the campaign for world development. The magazine is distributed by R.P.S. Ltd., Victoria Hall, Fingal Street, London, SElO ORF. A year’s subscription costs £3.00 post-paid fiom R.P.S. Ltd. at the above address.